But some students are being denied access to a full time education with their peers.

That's called discrimination.

And it's against the law.


The law protects the right of students to have equal access to public accommodations such as public schools. It also protects the right of all students to access full time school. Too many students, parents and advocates aren't sure how to get help when these laws are violated.

We are collecting information through an online survey about Oregon students who are being denied equal access to their public schools. This includes:

  • Students who are assigned to remote learning while the other students in their district are receiving in person learning (outside of a state mandate for quarantine or vaccine)
  • Students who have shorter school days than their same age peers
  • Students who have shorter school weeks than their same age peers
  • Students who are regularly sent home from school early (outside of a normal school exclusion policy)

We will use this information to inform discussions among policymakers, advocates and educators about how big this problem is. We will also use this information to provide free assistance to file appropriate complaints with the entities that can enforce the law.

Personal information will NOT be used without permission.

Please note: This project is about instruction that is reduced for a student based on personal factors such as disability, English Language services, substitute care, behavior support services or disability. This survey is NOT related to exclusion for vaccination requirements or required quarantine following an illness.

Contact sen.saragelser@oregonlegislature.gov with questions or to get more information.

If you need help to complete the form or do not have computer access, please call (503) 986-1708 and Team Gelser Blouin will be happy to assist. Spanish language translation of this form will be available soon.